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Celestial Cathedral Premium Lucky Bag

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We've prepared something extra special this season for collectors! Inspired by our stained glass collection, this Celestial Cathedral Lucky Bag guarantees an exclusive limited edition 95mm D20!

Each Celestial Cathedral Premium Lucky Bag Contains:

  1. An Embroidered Celestial Cathedral Lucky Bag

  2. 1x Exclusive Celestial Cathedral 95mm Chonk D20. This set will NOT be available for individual purchase.

  3. 1x Dice Set (The second set may be a Palette, Jewel, 7D6, 7D4, Uninked, B-Grade, or Experimental Set)

  4. Another Dice Set, Mystery Item or Items Valued at $70 or More! (Chonks, Plush, Candles, Dice & More!)

  5. 1x 6oz Cantrip Candle in either Goblin’s Grog, Sorcerer’s Spiced Rum, or Fireside Ale at random

*Please note that Holiday Dice sets from the current drop are excluded from Celestial Cathedral Lucky Bags.

Due to the nature of the promotion, our usual return policy will not apply unless there is a defect with a particular dice set. If that dice set is available, we will replace it. Otherwise we will substitute another dice set at random.

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